orange and red space scene

Welcome 👋🏾

I build stuff and make friends!
Find me on Twitter.

I have a ton going on. Right now, my biggest project is learning full-stack web development at Lambda School. In life before Lambda School, I was focused on my own startup, PopSchools.

PopSchools remains my baby, along with my actual human babies, Lia and Isaiah. I'm learning a lot about time management from this back-to-school experience.

Things I Can Do

These are all things I can do. Ask me about "Lightning bolt."

  • Write all the code
  • Stack small boxes
  • Read books and stuff
  • Drink much coffee
  • Lightning bolt
  • Shadow clone technique

A Few Accomplishments

I'm awesome and I have to start showing my work more often. Let's start with the Lambda School projects I've done so far.

screenshot of this portfolio website

Responsive Design II - Portfolio Website Project


screenshot of Great Idea project tablet view

Responsive Design I - Great Idea: Innovation on Demand Project

Good ole Great Idea. We've gotten to know each other over the past week. We used media queries to make the site responsive to tablet and mobile screen sizes.

screenshot of the UI and Git sprint challenge homepage

Sprint Challenge - User Interface

The first sprint challenge of Lambda School